The Best Foods for Beating Seasonal Allergies - blog |

The Best Foods for Beating Seasonal Allergies

As the leaves start to brown and the seasons change, many sniffle and sneeze, battling the endless seasonal allergies. What if the solution could be as simple as altering our diets? We believe in harnessing the power of natural foods to fight allergies.

Let's explore some of the best foods to keep those pesky symptoms at bay.

Nature's Antihistamine

The humble moringa seed is truly a powerhouse of all the superfoods. Rich in quercetin, a natural antihistamine, these seeds can help ease allergy symptoms, alleviating symptoms like a runny nose and itchy eyes. Vitamin C and E in Moringa also work as antioxidants, relieving inflammation often associated with allergies. 

Your Immune-Boosting Ally

For a long time, Elderberries have been best known for their medicinal properties. They contain anthocyanins and vitamin C, which can repair damaged cells and reduce inflammation. Incorporating elderberries into your diet could help manage and shorten the duration of colds and flu.

More Than Just Fibre

Beans are not typically associated with allergy relief, but they should be! With beans, like Black Beans, Brown Lentils, Kabuli Chick Beans, and Navy Beans, you have all the benefits of fibre and magnesium, which play a crucial role in maintaining good gut bacteria, reducing inflammation, and shielding cells from damage. Such benefits are instrumental in alleviating allergy symptoms, making beans a must-add to your anti-allergy diet. 

How to Include These Superfoods in Your Diet

  • Moringa Seeds: 1-3 grams per day might be a starting point. Enjoy them whole, either roasted or sprouted, sprinkled in salads, or blended into your morning smoothie.

  • Elderberries: Start with a small dose (1-2 tablespoons daily) and observe your body's reaction. Gradually increase the amount over time. Use elderberries as a natural sweetener in smoothies or yoghurt.

  • Beans: Beans are versatile! Include 1 cup per serving in soups, salads, or as the main protein in your dishes.

Beyond Nutrition

What sets us apart? That’s easy: it's our commitment to quality, ethical sourcing, and transparency. More than healthy food; they're a step towards a healthier, more natural way of living.

**It's important to note that these dietary changes should not replace medical advice for severe allergies but complement it. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalised recommendations.**

Discover the Natural Path to Wellness

At LivloNG, we're dedicated to providing nature's best solutions for a healthier life. Shop our range of natural allergy relief products and embrace the change of seasons with ease and comfort, knowing you have the power of nature on your side. Live well, LivloNG!

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