Discover Lily Of The Valley Tea’s Rich History & Health Benefits - blog |

Discover Lily Of The Valley Tea’s Rich History & Health Benefits

Lily of the Valley tea has been used for centuries as a food source and medicinal plant. This delicate flower was discovered by early civilizations, who were impressed by its unique properties. Today, it is grown in several countries worldwide and is enjoyed for its many health benefits.

Looking Into Lily Of The Valley Tea

Lily of the Valley tea has a rich history dating back to ancient civilisations. It is believed to have been discovered by the Greeks and Romans, who used it for medicinal purposes. There is an ancient myth in the Christian faith that says the Lily of the Valley plant sprang from Eve's tears following her exile from Eden.

In the Middle Ages, it was used to treat various ailments, such as heart disease, epilepsy and headaches. The plant was also used for culinary purposes and added to dishes for its distinctive taste and aroma.

This beautiful, international plant is grown and processed all around the world. You will find it on the continents of Asia, Europe and North America, where it grows wild in balmy forests. 

In 1967, it was gazetted as Finland's National Flower, and deservedly so, with its exquisitely beautiful flowers and multiple uses.

Health Benefits Of Lily Of The Valley Tea

Lily of the Valley tea has been found to contain several beneficial compounds, including saponins, flavonoids and cardiac glycosides. These compounds can help improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. Lily of the Valley tea is also believed to have anti-cancer properties, making it a popular choice for those looking to improve their overall health and well-being.

How To Consume Lily Of The Valley Tea

Lily of the Valley tea can be consumed in several ways. The most common method is to steep the dried flowers in hot water and enjoy them as hot or iced tea. It can also be added to soups, stews and other dishes for flavour and health benefits.

Lily of the Valley syrup is also used for flavouring yoghurts, desserts and biscuits. Did you know that the Liliaceae (Lily) family includes onions, shallots and leeks?

Can Children Consume Lily of the Valley Tea?

While Lily of the Valley tea is generally safe for adults, it should not be consumed by children without first consulting a healthcare professional. The plant contains cardiac glycosides, which can be toxic in large doses.

The Last Sip

Lily of the Valley tea has a rich history and numerous health benefits that make it a popular choice among tea drinkers. Whether you enjoy it hot or iced, or as an ingredient in your favourite dishes, this delicate flower is sure to bring a unique flavour and a boost to your health. So why not give it a try today and see the benefits for yourself?

Try the LivloNG Lily of the Valley Tea today for a healthier you.

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